Sunday, September 19, 2010

A few things I've learned from my weekend.

A few things I've learned this weekend.

1) Don't hope for anything specific when it comes to going out for a night. All you can really plan on is having a good time, and that's pretty much it. I ran in to tons of people who were out to meet girls, to find the sickest party, or to try to make themselves known as "that guy" that goes way over the edge. I think that planning for all of these things is what makes them all impossible to achieve. After a year of college, I'm finally learning that you can't plan for things to happen... you can just plan for the way things will go. As I learned from the movie Blow last night - "Life passes you by while you're making grand plans for it".

2) "It is what it is" - Rule #2 on Kinsella's principles of a young life that he sent me two years ago. I think that I'll start posting these rules whenever I come to learn them myself, for this, like everything else, is one long and absurd fucked up journey through the best years of our lives. This one refers to making the best out of whatever you have. Last night would be a perfect example of that. Went out to carriage, lost...everyone, saw all my friends get lucky and leave, and ended up walking back alone. But then, walking back, I met a bunch of people on my floor for the first time, and ended up hanging with a lot of them in our room until 2 or 3 in the morning. At the end of the night, despite everything that had or hadn't happened, we still had all of our closest friends chilling on our futon, watching Blow and eating old popcorn. It is what it is. It's not about the people you meet for the first time and go head over heels in your endeavor to make a good impression. It's about those that help you drag back your friends when they are having trouble stumbling back to your dorm and stopping to go a leak every three seconds. First lesson learned. Many more to come.

- Connor

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